Nevada Smiths is conveniently located in New York City, lower Manhattan, at 74 Third Avenue, between 11th and 12th streets. Below is a general map of the area around Nevada Smiths. We also have included a travel primer, below the map, on the different ways to get to Nevada Smiths, either by subway, bus or car.
-- Directions --

By Mass Transit: Take the Ltrain to 3rd Avenue and exit. Walk south 2 blocks and Nevada Smiths will be on your right hand side (western side of the street) between 12th and 11th streets. You can also exit the Union Square Station and walk south along 4th Avenue, until you reach 12th street. Walk the 1 block east, loop around the corner, and you're at Nevada Smiths!

By Bus: The 101, 102, and 103 bus run down the length of 3rd Avenue and you can exit the bus at 12th or 10th street.

By Car: 3rd Avenue is a south running street, 4th Avenue is a north running street, with Broadway running southward. 12th street is west bound, while 11th street heads east.
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